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Hampton Roads - OC reports


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Suffolk VA
My wife and I went to a Korean restaurant in Newport News, Sorabol, and had a great meal. We had been there many times with no issues, and this was no different.

Then we went to the Korean bakery next door and bought some sweet bread, once again very friendly worker and no issues.

After that we went to E-Mart, an Asian super market next to the bakery, we were carrying our bread and there is a prominent “No Outside Food” sign with the lined through circle. My wife grabbed my arm as we went in and said we’re not allowed in.

I told her it was fine because we’re just carrying a bag of bread not eating it. Apparently, she was talking about the firearm sign I didn't see.

Then a cop says “Excuse, me sir, you can’t be in here like that”,he pats his hip, and “store policy”.

I notice a sign saying “No firearms allowed on the premises”, so I swing a U-turn and tell the cop “I guess they don’t want my money.”

He was nice about it and even seemed kind of embarrassed, like he knew it was stupid. He also didn’t try to talk to me or anything, which I appreciated.

It was not the first time we had been in the store, but it was the first time a cop was there.

I don’t know how long the sign had been up, since I really don't look too hard for signs at places I've been to many times.
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Suffolk VA
Had my first run in with a crazy person.

In the Lowe's on Suffolk Main Street, I hear a lady say "You have a gun, Why would you have a gun in here?"

I looked at her, but didn't reply.

Lady: You don't look like a cop, I don't even think cops should carry off duty, but you're not one, right?

Me: (kind of chuckling) Definitely not a cop

L: Why would you be carrying in here?

M: Personal protection?

L: Guns have one purpose, to KILL!

M: I use mine all the time, never killed anyone.

L: What could you possibly use it for?

M: Target practice

L: Why do you carry it like that, you're just showing off!

M: (thought about going on rant about permits and how I refuse to get one, but don't think that would be productive)

L: You're carrying in here offends me, I"M OFFENDED (she said that really loudly, like it would mean something to me)

M: Why don't you mind your own business, Lady

L: There's no need to carry in here, there were two more shootings this weekend

M: If there was a shooting in here, you'd be glad that I was here, wouldn't you?

L: Something about someone she knows who got shot

M: (decides not to engage further) You have a nice day Ma'am.

Then I just walked away. Told my wife about it and she said the Lady might have been offended, but she wasn't scared.

The really loud I'M OFFENDED! was what got me, she really thought those words would have some power over me, but they almost made me laugh.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
My non-offending personality would have not only chuckled loudly ~ ending an episode of laughing uncontrollably...then enter into a loud discussion of why her middle aged BS offended me and to next time mind your own business


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Suffolk VA
Ignore the liberal and keep on about your own business...they really hate being ignored...drives them more crazy than they normally are.
I realized that was the best course of action about a minute too late.

After 6+ years of carrying with no negative encounters with people, one problem with police and being kicked out of one store, I was totally taken by surprise this time.

Hope it doesn't happen again, but I should do a better job if it does.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Suffolk VA
My non-offending personality would have not only chuckled loudly ~ ending an episode of laughing uncontrollably...then enter into a loud discussion of why her middle aged BS offended me and to next time mind your own business

Wasn't worth it.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
Had my first run in with a crazy person.

In the Lowe's on Suffolk Main Street, I hear a lady say "You have a gun, Why would you have a gun in here?"

I looked at her, but didn't reply.

Lady: You don't look like a cop, I don't even think cops should carry off duty, but you're not one, right?

Me: (kind of chuckling) Definitely not a cop

L: Why would you be carrying in here?
Answer: never know where you are going to run into a mentally unstable person!


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Well just cancelled my SAMs club membership and signed up for BJs. It is a shame Walmart and Kroger are going to the dark side! Now just need to transfer my prescriptions away from Kroger. I have been OCing at both for years.
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Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Well just cancelled my SAMs club membership and signed up for BJs. It is a shame Walmart and Kroger are going to the dark side! Now just need to transfer my prescriptions away from Kroger. I have been OCing at both for years.
There'll be a gun show at the Hampton Convention Center next weekend (9/14-9/15). Gun owners will line up to pay admission so that they can unload their firearms, then have them inspected and zip-tied as conditions of entry into the show. Walmart, Kroger and the rest don't impose such draconian restrictions on their patrons, and admission is free.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
There'll be a gun show at the Hampton Convention Center next weekend (9/14-9/15). Gun owners will line up to pay admission so that they can unload their firearms, then have them inspected and zip-tied as conditions of entry into the show. Walmart, Kroger and the rest don't impose such draconian restrictions on their patrons, and admission is free.

Why I don’t frequent local gun shows, they think they want my good hard earned $$$ to spend on their vendor’s wares yet demean me to get in...

I agree w/you 2a4all i’ll take my chances at the wally world enterprises...as you pointed out...it’s free!


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
I have been a vendor at many gun shows. After witnessing the lack of gun discipline by some patrons, I have grown to appreciate why this is needed. As a gun owner I don't like it, but I understand it.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Walmart went beyond simply "preferring" that open carriers not open carry in their stores. They encouraged congress to do increase gun control, stopped sales of pistols (Alaska) and pistol ammunition and joined a coalition of anti-gun Michael Bloombooger's gun control Nazi's!

They lost my business period. As far as gun shows the venue usually dictates whether or not carrying weapons is allowed. If you want to open a venue that is large enough to hold a gun show AND allow carrying of loaded firearms you are welcome to do so. Until then they gun show vendors have to work with what is available. (with that said I am not sure how hard they look at other venues)

If Walmart simply asked customers to not OC implying CC was allowed I may still shop there but they dug their financial grave in my book. On a happy note, local gun stores are going to pick up their business and grow!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Walmart went beyond simply "preferring" that open carriers not open carry in their stores. They encouraged congress to do increase gun control, stopped sales of pistols (Alaska) and pistol ammunition and joined a coalition of anti-gun Michael Bloombooger's gun control Nazi's!

They lost my business period. As far as gun shows the venue usually dictates whether or not carrying weapons is allowed. If you want to open a venue that is large enough to hold a gun show AND allow carrying of loaded firearms you are welcome to do so. Until then they gun show vendors have to work with what is available. (with that said I am not sure how hard they look at other venues)

If Walmart simply asked customers to not OC implying CC was allowed I may still shop there but they dug their financial grave in my book. On a happy note, local gun stores are going to pick up their business and grow!

Per Doug’s 3 Sept memo...”As it relates to concealed carry by customers with permits, there is no change to our policy or approach.”



Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
Had Lunch at Zoe's Kitchen in the Landstown shops today and they had a sign prohibiting Open Carry. I was interested in the va codes listed on the bottom so I took a photo. I know signs don't carry the weight of law in the state but looking up the codes it appears that a judge could rule otherwise:
Specifically -18.2-119 states:
§ 18.2-119. Trespass after having been forbidden to do so; penalties.
If any person without authority of law goes upon or remains upon the lands, buildings or premises of another, or any portion or area thereof, after having been forbidden to do so, either orally or in writing, by the owner, lessee, custodian, or the agent of any such person, or other person lawfully in charge thereof, or after having been forbidden to do so by a sign or signs posted by or at the direction of such persons or the agent of any such person or by the holder of any easement or other right-of-way authorized by the instrument creating such interest to post such signs on such lands, structures, premises or portion or area thereof at a place or places where it or they may be reasonably seen, or if any person, whether he is the owner, tenant or otherwise entitled to the use of such land, building or premises, goes upon, or remains upon such land, building or premises after having been prohibited from doing so by a court of competent jurisdiction by an order issued pursuant to §§ 16.1-253, 16.1-253.1, 16.1-253.4, 16.1-278.2 through 16.1-278.6, 16.1-278.8, 16.1-278.14, 16.1-278.15, 16.1-279.1, 19.2-152.8, 19.2-152.9 or § 19.2-152.10 or an ex parte order issued pursuant to § 20-103, and after having been served with such order, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. This section shall not be construed to affect in any way the provisions of §§ 18.2-132 through 18.2-136. (bold added by me)

and a summary by a lawfirm:
Code §18.2-119 is a Class 1 misdemeanor. It is punished with up to 12 months in jail and a fine up to $2500. If the trespasser intentionally selected the property based on race, religion, color or ethnicity, the offense is a Class 6 felony, punished with up to 5 years in prison.
Virginia Trespassing Laws: Descriptions and Penalties

humbrechtlaw.com › property-crimes-in-virginia › virginia-trespassing-laws

Code 18.2-308.01 deals with the carrying of a concealed handgun with a permit. I don't understand how the words on the sign apply to that statue. There is a paragraph which states:

C. The granting of a concealed handgun permit pursuant to this article shall not thereby authorize the possession of any handgun or other weapon on property or in places where such possession is otherwise prohibited by law or is prohibited by the owner of private property.

but since the sign is only prohibiting OPEN Carry I don't see how it is relevant



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    Zoe's Kitchen 20191020_134115 (002).jpg
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
"or after having been forbidden to do so by a sign or signs posted" That phrase refers to a "NO TRESPASSING" sign. Not a "NO GUNS" sign. As you well know "NO GUNS" signs have no effect of law unless the specific place is addressed in the law and then only for concealed carry. The sign is nothing more than a request.

The problem is cops don't have any understanding of trespass law, let alone gun laws.