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Have you ever had someone react REALLY badly to seeing you open carry?


Apr 20, 2018
Eastern WA

I have to say "What a great forum!!".

My question stems from an experience I had recently.

I was accompanying my wife on a shopping trip. We were in a ladies clothing store. I was carrying my 1911 open carry. A young lady was walking towards me with a smile on her face when she, quite obviously, caught sight of my 1911. The smile was replaced with a very serious frown and she backed away from me.

I thought "oh boy. Here it comes...". I half expected her to scream "He's got a gun!!". She didn't. She backed up, turned and walked out of the store.

That really got me thinking. How do I best handle the situation if someone does really make a scene?

I have dealt with being asked to leave a business before without a big scene. I have been asked why I carry. I dealt with these calmly and politely. I am determined to leave a positive impression and demonstrate that normal, responsible people do carry guns.

Again, I have not had to deal with any kind of hysterics.

Have any of you? How did you handle it? What was the outcome.

Thanks in advance for your replies.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I ask them if they would be less concerned if they could not see it - hidden from observation....which is how bad people carry theirs.

And I smile a lot. :D

Also being seen chatting with a store employee who obviously accepts your OC helps to defuse the other person - we are known by the company we keep.
Last edited:


Apr 20, 2018
Eastern WA
Thanks for the reply.

The big question on my mind is how have you dealt with people who react really badly.

I did have an experience that fits with what you described.

I had been into a particular store a handful of times while carrying concealed. One day I went back while carrying open. The young lady at the counter gave me a harsh look and asked sharply "why are you carrying that". I politely explained my reasons for carry. She asked why I had not carried on my prior visits. I told her that I had been carrying on all of my visits but, as I have a CPL, I had been carrying concealed.

We had a good conversation. She shared with me that she had witnessed a murder a few years before and was now terrified of guns. We talked for about 30 minutes about her experience and my reasons for carrying etc. In the end I asked if she would be more comfortable if I carried concealed? She said "No, now that you have explained I am more comfortable".

A little patience and polite conversation made a difference.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
The big question on my mind is how have you dealt with people who react really badly.
Surprising perhaps, but I have never had anyone "react" badly in all of these years. "React" meaning terrified, screaming, etc.

I have had lies told about me, been swatted, and otherwise attacked indirectly. A dash cam and a recorder have both been invaluable in keeping me out of hot water and the flames.


Apr 20, 2018
Eastern WA
That is good to hear.

With the "climate" lately I have developed some concern that I may encounter someone who's reaction puts me in an uncomfortable spot.

Thanks for the replies.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
That is good to hear.

With the "climate" lately I have developed some concern that I may encounter someone who's reaction puts me in an uncomfortable spot.

Thanks for the replies.
"Uncomfortable" is hopefully only a minor inconvenience to you. Life is full of little bumps in the road. Don't sweat the small stuff.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Have you ever had someone react REALLY badly to seeing you open carry?
Well, yes I have! Falsely arrested for trespass because of open carrying in a premises that had a policy allowing open carry. Per the complaint the premises being my own home, of which a trial lasting twenty months in the corrupt court system ending in acquittal, but only because the judge knew he would be overturned if he found me guilty.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Well, yes I have! Falsely arrested for trespass because of open carrying in a premises that had a policy allowing open carry. Per the complaint the premises being my own home, of which a trial lasting twenty months in the corrupt court system ending in acquittal, but only because the judge knew he would be overturned if he found me guilty.
THAT is a story I would like to hear.

Is there a new motorcycle in your future?


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Thanks for the reply.

The big question on my mind is how have you dealt with people who react really badly.

I did have an experience that fits with what you described.

I had been into a particular store a handful of times while carrying concealed. One day I went back while carrying open. The young lady at the counter gave me a harsh look and asked sharply "why are you carrying that". I politely explained my reasons for carry. She asked why I had not carried on my prior visits. I told her that I had been carrying on all of my visits but, as I have a CPL, I had been carrying concealed.

We had a good conversation. She shared with me that she had witnessed a murder a few years before and was now terrified of guns. We talked for about 30 minutes about her experience and my reasons for carrying etc. In the end I asked if she would be more comfortable if I carried concealed? She said "No, now that you have explained I am more comfortable".

A little patience and polite conversation made a difference.
Sounds like a good outcome. If you want to take the next step, I'd ask her if she would be willing to go to the range with you, since, as your conversation no doubt revealed, an object by itself is neither good nor evil.

As you well know, I doubt she'd have the same reaction to baseball bats or knives if she saw someone murdered with either one of those objects.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
As you well know, I doubt she'd have the same reaction to baseball bats or knives if she saw someone murdered with either one of those objects.
Let us not forget vehicles.

Some of them are even black and evil looking with unnecessary options making them more comfortable to use.

Many crimes are perpetuated by the easy access to such high speed tools.

The clerk very likely came to work utilizing the capacity/ability of a vehicle.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
My grandfather was accidentally electrocuted when his son (my dad) was 9 years old. Dad wasn't terrified of electricity after that, nor did he try to pass that phobia to me. Healthy respect for the stuff, but not fear.


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA

I have to say "What a great forum!!".

My question stems from an experience I had recently.

I was accompanying my wife on a shopping trip. We were in a ladies clothing store. I was carrying my 1911 open carry. A young lady was walking towards me with a smile on her face when she, quite obviously, caught sight of my 1911. The smile was replaced with a very serious frown and she backed away from me.

I thought "oh boy. Here it comes...". I half expected her to scream "He's got a gun!!". She didn't. She backed up, turned and walked out of the store.

That really got me thinking. How do I best handle the situation if someone does really make a scene?

I have dealt with being asked to leave a business before without a big scene. I have been asked why I carry. I dealt with these calmly and politely. I am determined to leave a positive impression and demonstrate that normal, responsible people do carry guns.

Again, I have not had to deal with any kind of hysterics.

Have any of you? How did you handle it? What was the outcome.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Welcome aboard! One word....... NO.
I've received thank yous, and a few questions. No one has "freaked". Wet side of WA. Mostly just.....nothing.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Originally Posted by Grapeshot
THAT is a story I would like to hear.
Is there a new motorcycle in your future?
Hopefully, oral arguments in the court of appeals June 12. In appeals because the district court judge fabricated facts not in evidence.
Based on the judge's questions asked of the defendants, it appears I should prevail. I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Regular Member
Jun 12, 2008
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
It's been a few years and I tried to find the post. Here is a slightly shorter version. I was in the checkout line at Walmart and the guy behind asked if I was LE. I replied No, just a concerned citizen. He went off, started yelling that he didn't want to get shot, please don' shoot me, etc. I turned away and paid my bill. As I walked out the door, he was still yelling.
Never argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Nice contrast with the OP - I would say the lady who silently "backed up, turned and walked out of the store" was misguided about citizen carry but otherwise a logical response; removing oneself completely and immediately from perceived unacceptable threat.

The guy who "went off, started yelling that he didn't want to get shot, please don' shoot me" is just the opposite - most likely that was completely fake, no real fear. All drama and politics, all for the benefit of others. Not removing himself from line of sight and easy range, and drawing attention to himself continually.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Well remember, in the recent past, mommy’s against everything, advocated to their members 1) call 911 hype up their rhetorical omg a gun, we are going to be killed tirade. 2) in public ~ go phreaky by loudly doing what okie described.

I frequent a local O’Reilys and they all know me by sight, on visit last year the young lady, who also works at Lowes and sees me there all the time, hollared out ‘well hello to the man with a gun!’ and the patrons all turned to stare at me suspiciously. I rush to the counter to have a quiet private chat about the danger she put me in, her face blanched whispering she hadn’t thought about the consequences and promised not to do hollor out like that again.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Well remember, in the recent past, mommy’s against everything, advocated to their members 1) call 911 hype up their rhetorical omg a gun, we are going to be killed tirade. 2) in public ~ go phreaky by loudly doing what okie described.

I frequent a local O’Reilys and they all know me by sight, on visit last year the young lady, who also works at Lowes and sees me there all the time, hollared out ‘well hello to the man with a gun!’ and the patrons all turned to stare at me suspiciously. I rush to the counter to have a quiet private chat about the danger she put me in, her face blanched whispering she hadn’t thought about the consequences and promised not to do hollor out like that again.
Danger you are in? I thought OC placed us OCers in danger cuz we is OCing. ;)

I got a similar response by a Home Depot flooring "expert." Departing, after a brief educational moment explaining OC in MO, the "expert" levied a singular recommendation to "Hey, don't shoot anybody." The customer with him, a seasoned citizen, apparently understood his foolishness, excused himself from the "experts" desk, walked over to me and said, this is why I don't OC. I said, I understand, to each their own.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
No. Can't say I have and I open carry everyday at home in town, wherever.

Been asked what brand, caliber, but that's it. Be it long or handgun.


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2008
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
We have what is called the "2nd Saturday Open Carry and Fishing Day" here in Florida for those who are in the open carry movement.

It has to do with an odd statute that allows Floridians to open carry if they're fishing, hunting, camping, shooting or going to and from these types of things.

We open carry on a very public fishing pier and have had the occasional tourist (especially in season) excitedly ask the local rangers to "do something" about that guy (or gal) with the gun.

As they mostly know who we are and what we're doing they'll come over and talk for a few minutes to placate the excited visitor and then we all go about our business. I have had people "threaten" to call the police on me at which time I usually give them the local number to call instead of tying up the 911 system.

Mostly we get people asking if we're on some stake-out (criminal fish I guess) or want to know what license you need to do that. In reality all you need is a fishing license (really!) and you're good to go as long as you're legal to own the gun.

We all usually laugh and ask who the heck makes up these laws??? (But it's true. A fishing license and some gear makes you legal).

AD (open carrying in Florida for a few decades now)