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It's an opportunity to educate...


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
As in this Walmart checkout lady. This may have been discussed on OCDO before, but perhaps not as a "Why Open Carry" topic. Some hindsight on what I might have said differently:

Lady: "We don't know yet, so we're trying to find out..."

Me: "I'd be happy to provide you with links to both Walmart Corporate Policy, as well as to state and federal law."

Lady: "You're not a cop."

Me: "Actually, I'm a writer. I sometimes serve as an usher at my church."

Lady: "In New York, I know about the rules."

Me: "Different state, different rules."

Lady: "Well, it doesn't matter. I don't feel comfortable with someone in the store, with a gun, and there's a lot of people around. I'm from New York, and I don't feel comfortable with a gun around."

Me: "Actually, it does matter. Open carry is legal here in Virginia, and Walmart policy is to abide by local and state law."

Lady: "I don't understand what's the purpose of coming to a grocery store with a nine millimeter or a nine Glock. That's why I'm uncomfortable."

Me: "Well, I'm uncomfortable with bad guys. The purpose, the reason why we law-abiding citizens carry firearms, is for self-defense. Bad guys do exist. We wear seat belts for the same reason. Getting into an accident is unlikely, but we buckle up just the same."

There's nothing wrong with putting people on defensive, provided it's done politely and with respect. If you find yourself on the defensive, you're behind the power curve.

There are some people, however, with whom you'll never win, and at those times, it's often best to simply state (keeping the upper hand), "While I respect your opinion, Sir/Ma'am, please respect mine. I will continue to open carry commensurate with local, state, and federal law."



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
video is almost 3 years ??

your point?

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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
You wear a seat belt cuz the cops will give you a ticket if you do not. A seat belt only comes in handy if you get in a wreck, if you never get in a wreck why do you need to wear a seat belt...why do you get a ticket for not using something that you may never need to rely upon.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
"I'm sorry for the indoctrination you've suffered, but people should not forfeit their rights to accommodate unreasonable sensibilities."


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2015
Lady: "I don't understand what's the purpose of coming to a grocery store with a nine millimeter or a nine Glock. That's why I'm uncomfortable."

Me: "Well, I'm uncomfortable with bad guys. The purpose, the reason why we law-abiding citizens carry firearms, is for self-defense. Bad guys do exist. We wear seat belts for the same reason. Getting into an accident is unlikely, but we buckle up just the same."

I think many people have been lulled into a false sense of security because they have lived their entire lives without ever been the victim of a crime of any kind. Bad guys being bad is something they see on TV or hear about happening to other people, so it's something they feel immune to. Seeing someone armed likely shatters that world view. They think that the police will swoop in at the first sign of trouble and save the day. But the reality is that when violent crime goes down, the first responder is you, the armed citizen, not the police that show up 5-7 minutes later.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
"And I think people should mind their own f---ing business; so I guess neither of us is getting what we want today."

Wild Dog

Jun 5, 2015
Planet Earth
That is not false security, but is actual experience of security. The Pareto Distribution (extreme stuff is infrequent, 80%/20%, 20%/80%, trivial stuff all the time) applies as well to social frequency distributions.

Vilfredo Pareto (1848 - 1923) Italian polymath. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle

It is why I am absolutely unconcerned of SHTF, asteroids, EMP, et cetera. It hasn't happened yet and isn't likely to happen in my lifetime or ever.
That is a very dangerous mindset to have.


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Really? Care to provide some precise statistics on those hazards?

With rise of Chinese, Norks and Iranians w ICBM capabilities, and the CME coronal Mass Ejections of Malmo 2003, Quebec 1989 and the Carrington event of 1859, the risk of loss of electricity for and extended period of weeks, months is growing in probability to threaten our civilization here in the US.

Now what we personally can do about it - is very little, it worth discussing the threat - with say the Texas legislature - to urge them to harden the Texas electrical generating plants and grid from this event.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Could it happen, can it happen, well it happen and to what extent.

That's a good question.

Just last August we lost power for 5 days and had a 11 inches of rain in 5 days. With out my generator and the 10 gallons of gas I had on hand I would have lost a freezer full of food. My basement would have been flooded and I would have lost a lot of valuable goods.

Being prepared is a good idea what one prepares for how much one prepares is up to the person doing so.

If one wants to play the odds of some thing happening so be it but then one well not prepare for a lot of things because the odds of them happening are really low.

Carry a firearm for self defense is one of them. Unless one travels to or lives in a high crime area the odds of using one in a self-defense situation is very low.

Each to their own.

Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
As in this Walmart checkout lady. This may have been discussed on OCDO before, but perhaps not as a "Why Open Carry" topic. Some hindsight on what I might have said differently:


There's nothing wrong with putting people on defensive, provided it's done politely and with respect. If you find yourself on the defensive, you're behind the power curve.

There are some people, however, with whom you'll never win, and at those times, it's often best to simply state (keeping the upper hand), "While I respect your opinion, Sir/Ma'am, please respect mine. I will continue to open carry commensurate with local, state, and federal law."
Ok, several things to consider, a couple that have already been brought up but I do not see answered yet-

1. This is an old video. Why now?
2. Why did you stay when she had a fit? Just leave and take your business elsewhere.
3. Why did you even bother going there to begin with?


Apr 27, 2015
Dallas TX
Lady: "In New York, I know about the rules."

Here in Texas we have a saying. Love New York! Take I-30 East...

Getting the populace used to seeing people armed is my main reason for O/C. It will take time and goodwill on our part but eventually it will be seen as normal.