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Japanese tourists with cameras

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I was cutting my grass in the front yard last eve when I noticed a group of about eight or nine Japanese tourists(complete with cameras)walking on the other side of my street. They walked a bit beyond me and then, as a group, crossed the road, reversed course and came back to pass me. As they walked by, cameras were blazing. Yes, I was OCing a Kimber 1911 in a wild bunch holster while cutting the yard(bloody crabgrass).

We are a bit of a tourist attraction and we get a great deal of visitation on weekends. This was not the first time I was photographed by a tourist. 1890s kinda town, cowboy looking guy with big iron on his hip........yeah, I can see it. It allows them to go home and share our Freedom with those who do not have it.

We are ALL ambassadores of OC.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
My niece had a Japanese exchange student. we had him shooting all kinds of firearms.

He must of been from a well do family as he said his father shot trap regularly and he had shot some also.

He wanted to take my picture many times. I think the best one was a was in full kit with my scoped AR.

I told him most every body owned and had ARs available and to make sure to let every know that.

My daughter and great nieces were shooting also I told him we teach all our women to shoot.

He had a great time and went home with some great pictures.

I hope he spread the word.

My brother had business with some Japanese military officers every year one of the high lights of their trips here. Was going to the range and shooting many different firearms.

Another time a friend of mine came over with his new Ukrainian wife we had her shooting again all kinds of firearms.

(side note she speaks 4 languages)

She now has her Wis. CCW.

Again a lot of pictures were taken again I told her when she goes back home to spread the word to all the Russians she knows.

That we all own a lot of firearms and we teach all our women to shoot.

Who knows it might just give some one pause.
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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I was cutting my grass in the front yard last eve when I noticed a group of about eight or nine Japanese tourists(complete with cameras)walking on the other side of my street. They walked a bit beyond me and then, as a group, crossed the road, reversed course and came back to pass me. As they walked by, cameras were blazing. Yes, I was OCing a Kimber 1911 in a wild bunch holster while cutting the yard(bloody crabgrass).

We are a bit of a tourist attraction and we get a great deal of visitation on weekends. This was not the first time I was photographed by a tourist. 1890s kinda town, cowboy looking guy with big iron on his hip........yeah, I can see it. It allows them to go home and share our Freedom with those who do not have it.

We are ALL ambassadores of OC.
Cool stuff!